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222 lines
JPA-DS - Date/Size List Updater by JPA Software Ver 1.0
17 of February of 1991
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Made by
Joäo Paulo Ribeiro Alves
R. Vasco da Gama, 66 - Algueiräo
2725 Mem Martins
JPA Software
I accept no responsibility or liability for any mishap resulting
from the use of JPA-DS.
(c) Copyright by Joäo Paulo R. Alves 1991. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
JPA-DS - Date/Size List Updater Version 1.0
─────────────────────────────── 17-Feb-91
This utility is destinated to all the SysOps and particularly the PCBOARD
Purpose : To Update the Size and Date of files in the Directory listings.
Format : Usage : JPA-DS [/B] [/LLogFile] [/Sn,m] [/Dn,t] [/Pn] [/I]
DirFile File [@List....]
Notes : Start the program with no options and he will show you a screen full
of available options.
Lines that aren't updated remain the Same. Files not found in
Listing aren't added.
The Option /B Will tell the program to keep the old file.
The Option /LLogFile Will create a Log file (with the name "LogFile")
with the changes made to the DirFile.
The Option /Sn,m Will specify where the Size will be located (n) and
the length of Size (m). By default n=14 & m=8 (PCBOARD Listing Defaults)
See below the topic of "Configuring JPA-DS"
The Option /Dn,t Will specify where the Date will be located (n) and
with type t. By default n=24 & t=1 (PCBOARD Listing Defaults)
See below the topic of "Configuring JPA-DS"
The Option /Pn Will specify what character will separate the Day from
Month and from Year. By default n="-" (PCBOARD Listing Defaults)
See below the topic of "Configuring JPA-DS"
The Option /I Will display the License Info
(c) Copyright by Joäo Paulo R. Alves 1991. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
JPA-DS - Date/Size List Updater Version 1.0
─────────────────────────────── 17-Feb-91
Configuring JPA-DS : The JPA-DS can be configred for multiple BBS systems
────────────────── by default it is configured for PCBOARD but it can be
changed it any BBS system.
Default Line that JPA-DS will use :
┌ Type 1 (MM-DD-YY)
├─ 8 ──┤ │
JPA-DS10.ZIP 12150 02-17-91 Updates the Date/Size from PCB Directories
│ │
│ └ Column 24
└ Column 14
If you, for example, wanted that JPA-DS processed the following Line :
Type 3 (YY-MM-DD)┐
│ ├─ 7 ─┤
JPA-DS-10.ZIP 91-02-17 12150 Updates the Date/Size from PCB Directories
│ │
│ └ Column 24
└ Column 15
You would give the JPA-DS The Following Command :
JPA-DS /D15,3 /S24,7 DirList C:\DL01\*.*
│ │ │ │
Column 15 ┘ │ │ └ Length = 7
Type 3 (YY-MM-DD) ┘ └ Column 24
JPA-DS - Date/Size List Updater Version 1.0
─────────────────────────────── 17-Feb-91
The program will use the file "C:\PCB\GEN\UPLD" has master
listing and will search for files in "C:\PCB\UPLOAD\".
The old UPLD file will be deleted. Use the /B options if you
wat to keep it.
The Program will load the List file ALLFILES.LST and use the
filenames found inside it. Wildcards can be used inside the
List File.
Example of a List file :
A Log File will be created (or appended if exists) with the
changes that JPA-DS made to the Directory Listing.
(c) Copyright by Joäo Paulo R. Alves 1991. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
JPA-DS - Date/Size List Updater Version 1.0
─────────────────────────────── 17-Feb-91
Program Errors : "Invalid Parameter:" - The specified option has invalid
────────────── characters in it or.
"Invalid Option:" - The option specified doesn't
exist, is invalid or incomplete.
"Couldn't Create Log File xxxx Aborting!" - The file xxxxx
couldn't be open or created.
"The file xxxx was not found !" The Listing file xxxx was
not found.
"Warning: Maximum number of Files (1000) Reached, Skipping Rest !" - You have
selected more than 1000
files. JPA-DS can't Process
more than 1000 files !.
"Could not erase the file xxxx, aborting!" - Could not erase the file xxxx
Probably it has a R-O Attribute or disk
is write protected.
"Warning: List File xxxx not found !" - The you specified was not found.
"There were no files found !" - There were no files found to Process.
"File has been patched (A Virus ?!). Aborting." - Unauthorized modification
made to the program. Delete it immediatly.
Probably is a Virus !
(c) Copyright by Joäo Paulo R. Alves 1991. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
JPA-DS - Date/Size List Updater Version 1.0
─────────────────────────────── 17-Feb-91
Program History
Ver 1.0 17-Fev-90 - First release to the BBS.
(c) Copyright by Joäo Paulo R. Alves 1991. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
JPA-DS - Date/Size List Updater Version 1.0
─────────────────────────────── 17-Feb-91
License : The Registration of the program is required for governmental
──────- institutions ands others. Only for private use the program is allowed
to be used. Although, its continuous use require the registration.
This registration can be made through a donation (5 US Dollars
/ 1000$00 Escudos minimum) and you will be registered or, if you
want to have a diskette with the latest version of the program please
send 25 US Dollars/5000$00 Escudos to the following address :
R. Vasco da Gama, 66 - Algueiräo.
2725 Mem Martins
In both cases you have to send the second page of file LICENSE.FRM
and the respective money, inside a letter.
The program was written in Turbo Pascal 5.5.
Trade Marks:
PCBoard is a trade mark of Clark Development Company, Inc.
Turbo Pascal is a trade marks of BORLAND INTERNATIONAL
The program or any of its documentation may not be distributed as part of any
package or software without the expressed consent of the author.
If you have any comment, doubt, or complain please write to the above address
or contact me at :
(01) 9213101 - Voice
(01) 9211030 - CAV 12 BBS (Data)
Joäo Paulo Ribeiro Alves
(c) Copyright by Joäo Paulo R. Alves 1991. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.